A solid-state drive (SSD) is a media which uses flash modules in order to save information. The solid-state drives are still relatively new and more pricey than the standard hard disk drives (HDD), yet they're considerably faster, so they are frequently used for Operating Systems and apps on both desktops and web servers. An SSD is preferred because it does not have spinning disks that restrict its speed and may cause overheating as it may happen with an HDD. Many companies work with SSDs for caching purposes, so all of the site content that is accessed more frequently will be stored on such drives, while all other content will be stored on standard HDDs. The reason to use such a configuration is to balance the cost and overall performance of their Internet hosting platform and to minimize the load on the HDDs resulting from intense reading and writing processes.
SSD with Data Caching in Shared Website Hosting
In case you host your sites in a shared website hosting account from us, you will definitely notice their fantastic performance. The reason is that our cloud platform uses only SSD drives for all of the files, e-mails and databases and we don't use HDDs for any part of the hosting service. In addition to the leading-edge ZFS file system, this setup will increase the speed of your Internet sites considerably. For load-balancing, we also use multiple SSDs for caching purposes only. Any content which generates increased traffic or causes lots of reading/writing processes is copied on them automatically, so that the load on the main drives will be lower, thus the overall performance of all sites hosted with us will be better. The abovementioned subsequently prolongs the life of the primary drives and reduces the possibility of a disk failure, which is one more warranty for the reliability of any content that you upload to your account.
SSD with Data Caching in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All semi-dedicated hosting accounts that we provide are generated on a cloud platform that uses exclusively SSD drives. We do not use HDDs anymore, so your Internet sites will load very fast because we employ SSDs for all aspects of the service - files, databases and email addresses. As some people may host Internet sites which are more frequently visited than others, we also use numerous drives for caching. Our system finds any content that is accessed more frequently and copies it on these drives so as to load it from them. This configuration is used for load-balancing purposes as we make sure that several reading/writing intensive websites will not influence the performance of the other websites which are stored on the very same main drive. Using caching drives also raises the life-span of the main storage SSDs and reduces the probability of disk failures.