Customer Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A Sixty–Minute Support Ticket Response Guarantee

  • Every single help request you submit to us will be attended to within maximum one hour. If your support ticket or e–mail requires further assistance from a sysadmin, we’ll without delay forward it and leave a note to inform you that your matter is being worked on. If you make use of the Administration Services package, all of the server management tasks included there will be completed at a time of your liking.

  • Top quality support service
  • An Excellent Tech Support Service

  • Our help desk support team will be available to you 24x7x365 if you require assistance with our Web Site Control Panel or with any of the apps that we have pre–installed on your behalf on the dedicated web hosting server. And if you need help tackling all the regular admin tasks on your server, you can take a glance at the Administration Services package, that includes backup hard drive space, Operating System updates every week, problem troubleshooting and installation procedures, server monitoring and restarting procedures, etcetera.

  • Intuitive help center
  • A User–Friendly Help Section

  • We have provided our Web Site Control Panel with a detailed knowledge base, which includes exhaustive explanations of its features and functionalities. Plus, we have filmed in–depth video tutorials that will further teach you how to perform a certain task or solve a regularly experienced issue. The help articles and the tutorial videos are readily accessible from each Web Site Control Panel section via the Videos and Help buttons in the upper right corner.